School-Year Ministries
Get involved in a Good News Club or Released Time Class at a school near you!
Good News Club
Good News Clubs are Bible classes that meet weekly, October through April, for one hour. A Bible lesson, Bible verse, prayer, songs, missions emphasis and missionary story are all part of the Good News Club hour. Clubs are offered in homes and at local schools.
After-School/In-School Good News Clubs are held in the child’s own school after the end of the regular school day. The locations and times of each year’s clubs are listed here at the beginning of the school year. Registration forms may be obtained at the school office or printed from links beside the school name when the schedule is posted. For additional details about the After School Clubs, call or email us!
Good News Clubs Offered in Cumberland County
Greenridge Elementary School (1st -5th Grade)
Monroe Elementary School (1st -5th Grade)
Sporting Hill Elementary School (1st-5th Grade)
Mt. Rock Elementary School (1st -5th Grade)
Newville Elementary School
We also have a home club near Hamilton Elementary School. If you are interested in this club please call us at 717-243-1955 and we will let you know about the details for that club.
We would love to have you join us. If you would like to sign up for one of our Good News Clubs, or if you have any questions, please call us at 717-243-1955.

Released Time Class
Pennsylvania law allows for public school students to be released from classes once per week for religious instruction. What an amazing opportunity to reach otherwise unchurched children with the gospel, and to encourage and disciple children who have already trusted Christ as Savior.
Each week, trained teachers, workers, or CEF of Cumberland County Missionaries present: Bible lessons, memory verses, Bible songs, and a missionary story.
Students must have written parental permission to attend. This is NOT sponsored by the school district or Department of Education but by CEF of Cumberland County, Inc. The students would be walked to a near by church for Released Time Class.
Bible lessons are presented in a variety of ways, including the traditional favorite, flannel graph. In this age of technology and video, flannel graph still captures the attention of the children in a unique way. Other lessons are presented with flashcards or other creative means.
Released Time Classes Offered in Cumberland County
We are working with two different schools for our Released Time Class programs. If we are able to start these Released Time Classes we will make sure that this site is updated.