Summer Missionary Training School
Join us for nine weeks of serving the Lord in Cumberland County this summer.

Summer Missionary Training School is a training and summer ministry program of
All across Eastern Pennsylvania, many young people are trained each year to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Participants are involved in outreach ministries which may include (but are not limited to) 5-Day Clubs, open air, fair ministry, day camps and overnight camps.
Who may participate?
SMTS is geared toward high school and college-age young people. Our program has also expanded to include younger teens, age 15, as Trainees, and even some adults who are “young at heart”.
What are the requirements?
Participants must satisfactorily complete the Eastern PA State Office Summer Missionary Training School Program. The length of training Is two weeks. SMTS training is intense, spiritually challenging and fun. Each summer missionary must also raise support or volunteer his or her time for ministry.
Interested in becoming a Summer Missionary for CEF of Cumberland County? Please call our office at (717) 243-1955 or email us at You can also download the forms from our State Headquarters website.